
Grout Cleaning Mixtures

Over the Years there has been many solutions proven to clean grout. Including solutions that can be found in your cabinet at home. These chemicals may not be as strong as chemicals made specifically for cleaning grout, but it may clean the grout well enough to satisfy you for the moment. Some solutions that are found in the home are vinegar, baking soda, bleach, and hydrogen peroxide. There are setbacks to using home solutions, One setback can be a foul odor, such as in the case of using vinegar. Some people might find the smell of vinegar unpleasant. Another set back might be the destruction of your property. If you use bleach, you run the risk of spillage and discoloring anything that it may meet. In addition, one does not know how the bleach will react to any specific surface.

Most cleaning supply companies distribute grout cleaning solutions, produce their own line of cleaning products, or sell both. These products are specifically made for the application of cleaning
grout. These products will produce optimal results. There are three types of commercial grout cleaning solutions. The three types of solutions are grout cleaner, grout brightener, and a protective barrier for the grout. However, there is a commercial cleaner not made specifically for cleaning grout called degreaser. Degreaser can range from an aggressive, toxic degreaser, to a mild biodegradable degreaser. The solution most likely to be used on grout would be a mildly aggressive and biodegradable. Although degreaser works well for cleaning grout, other solutions work better.

Grout cleaner is specifically made to clean grout. Grout cleaner thoroughly removes mold, dirt, and most other foreign substances, leaving the grout as clean as it could possibly get. Although the grout is clean, it may still be dull or dingy. Another solution can be used to restore the grout to its natural appearance. Using a grout brightener will give the grout the appearance of just being applied to the tile. At this point, the grout is clean and has been restored to its original color. However, one more solution can be applied to the grout. The last solution that can be used on the grout is a grout sealer. A grout sealer forms a protective barrier against dirt and mold. Grout sealer will enable the grout to keep its original color years into the future. Using a combination of grout cleaner, grout brightener and a grout sealer is the best possible way of restoring grout to its original state.

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